Want to create your own racing tracks for Motocross Madness 2? Look no further! Armadillo, the terrain editor from Motocross Madness 2 developer Rainbow Studios, not only lets you create terrain, but also populate your racing world with 3D objects and entire ecosystems. Using the editor, you can create custom tracks to use in the Baja, Enduro, Freestyle Stunts, Nationals and even Supercross events. You can also add a variety of obstacles, such as trees, shrubs and hay bales, to make your terrain more competitive. While Armadillo is not a 3D modeler, it is compatible with 3D Studio Max, which allows you to create and import your finished model into Armadillo for placement.
Télécharger “Armadillo Terrain Editor” MCM2.Armadillo.Terrain.Editor.zip – Téléchargé 1584 fois – 19,84 Mo
Armadillo Track Editor Change Log
Version 1.0.123 – June 15th, 2000
Initial Release
Version 1.0.144 – July 6th, 2000 [test version only]
– Attempt to fix 3dfx bug by disabling all children during processing
– fix environment tab retains settings
– fix materials tab retains settings
– fix sun heading and pitch bug
– fix lighting values not being correctly written to .scn file
– add paint strength minumum setting to include zero strength
– fix paint splotch at load-time bug by defaulting paint strength to zero
– fix save track name correctly in the scene file
– fix custom texture edit box so that contents are persistent
– fix displacement map pathfilenames are correctly written to project file
– fix autogenerated textures are no longer very low resolution after processing
– add support user created probability TGA maps for eco system generation
– add support user created placement BMP maps for eco system generation
– fix custom track texture filenames not stored correctly
Version 1.0.151 – September 1st, 2000
– Remove entire paint interface
– Remove edge of world mountains. Edge tile geometry now tiles all the way to the edge of the world.
– Add support for importing POV-Ray Targas allowing source terrain data with 65536 height resolution
– Add Low-Pass filter when importing displacements to help smooth bumpy terrain
– fix normal calculations on the edge each terrain 1×1 that caused an ugly seam to show up
– fix bug where Enduro/Stunt terrains requested the incorrect displacement map size (513×513 is CORRECT)
Version 1.0.157 – September 7th, 2000
– fixed bug preventing user created objects to work in mcm2
– added support for user created objects from 3D Studio via UNIBastard utility
– added support for user created textures via MakeCMP utility
– added support for converting .ASC files created in 3D Studio to POV-Ray Targas via ASC2POVTGA utility
– fixed spline bug when creating tracks with funnels
– fixed AI starts test driving at start of spline
i am saving it in teraform in motocross madness 2 but no new file appears in it and when i run the game , my map dosent appear there
What does the file hierarchy look like? What folder do I extract this download to? I installed it and went to run it and it says I need to install Motor Cross Madness 2 in order to use the Track Editor.
Your Help would be Awesome.
Thank you
James Ryan
And using Windows 7 home 64 bit
hello geovane if you want to play tracks made by you read this: you must first select the save button which track it will fail at the store and enter the name of the track after it hit the bundle 2 times after the exit armadillo and play tracks that are in the create and enjoy the track
How does to save them do for us to play?